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Dear St. Valentine: Can Magic Mushrooms Mend A Broken Heart?

Valentine’s Day is here — a holiday that some people love to love and others love to hate — especially if they are currently nursing a broken heart. Luckily, there may be a way to speed-up romantic recovery… and rather than red roses, it involves magic mushrooms…

Did This Popular Magic Mushroom Originate In Africa?

Perhaps you know them as gold caps, or cubes? Maybe Mexican mushrooms, or golden teachers? If you’ve tripped on shrooms before, it was highly likely that it was on one of its many strains. Yep, we’re talking about Psilocybe cubensis, the most popular species of magic mushroom. Beloved they may be, but for many years their origins have been shrouded in mystery. Until now…

How Psychedelics Boost Your Memory & Fight Decline

Can psychedelics improve memory?

A growing body of research suggests that they might! Yes indeed, this once demonized set of drugs could actually be the key to both unlocking and maintaining memory into old age. 
