To us, there’s nothing more ‘New Year’ appropriate than a magic mushroom trip. Along with all the wavy, sparkly joy that a trip brings, there is almost always an aspect of self-realisation, of revelation, or rebirth.
It’s like no-effort resolution fulfilment (almost!)
Von so starým, dnu s novým
New Years is also a time when we are supposed to shake the dust off, get rid of the old, and bring in the fresh and new. However, making these kinds of strides is actually easier said than done. Mornings are dark, a slap in the face with a wet fish is preferable to the current weather, the sun sets at 4pm — it’s enough to make you want to hibernate till spring! This is where psilocybin has its chance to shine. Magic mushrooms are a tool that can help you to to discover who you really are, what you really want, and what you actually potrebujú. This is key for starting the year off right and setting your intentions, as well as actually sticking to them (the hardest thing of all!)

It’s not just the realisations that are important, see? It’s also about putting those suckers into practice. And luckily magic mushrooms and truffles are here to help.
Ale kedy je ten správny čas na váš veľký novoročný výlet?
Silvester? Alebo na Nový rok?
Výlet na Silvestra vs. Výlet na Nový rok
Both tripping on NYE and New Year’s Day can be magical. But which is the best for you to see out 2024 / usher in 2025?
Zvážili sme všetky pre a proti, aby ste to nemuseli robiť vy!

Výlet na Silvestra
The most obvious difference between tripping on NYE and NYD is that New Year’s Eve is more of a strana vibe, (to put it lightly). It really depends on what your plans are. How ‘big’ you are planning on going. Are you ringing in the New Year against a backdrop of fireworks, dancing, and merriment? If so, adding magic mushrooms can truly elevate the experience to euphoric levels. However, it’s good to be a little cautious.
Many people tend to go overboard on New Year’s Eve. There’s a reason why bartenders nickname the evening ‘amateur’s night’ — everyone suddenly thinks they are a drinking/partying expert. What with the madness associated with NYE, it’s probably best not to take a very high or ‘hrdinská dávka’ on this particular night. (unless of course you and your pals are experienced psychonauts and it’s a carefully organised plan — including trip sitters etc.)
Buďte rozumní
If you are attending a party where everyone is gonna be on a different ‘level’, it’s best to go with a low or medium (sociálne) dose. This way you are less likely to be overwhelmed by the loud music, flashing lights, social pressures, etc. Overstimulation can trigger a difficult trip — especially if you are in an unfamiliar space.

So, if you decide you want to trip of NYE our recommendation is to gather a small bunch of friends together, take the dose that feels right for you, and see in the New Year with some cosy vibes. You can talk about your hopes and aspirations for the year, and reflect on the previous year’s events. All while enjoying the fractal patterns, warm fuzzies, and giggles — only intensified by any twinkling Christmas lights you may still have hanging around.
We also recommend you keep drinking to a minimum. Let the pure shroom trip shine through to the countdown.
Výlet na Nový rok
Tripping on New Year’s Day is a somewhat ceremonial experience. Starting your year with a journey of self discovery is quite the baller move, honestly. Big start-as-you-mean-to-go-on energy!
Tripping on New year’s Day could be a spur of the moment decision, after a night of celebrations. Maybe you want to continue the journey of the New Year by rolling into a light trippy haze? However, be warned — a hangover and shroom trip crossover is not necessarily the episode we’ve all been waiting to see. If you think you can handle it, swell. But tento tak by sme na Nový rok zakopli:
Začnite odznova
Po prvé, nie get wrecked the night before. If you really want your New Year’s Day trip to be meaningful and act as your spiritual kickstart to the year, you need to come in fresh.
Wake up and greet the day. It’s likely to be chilly — it’s January 1st after all! Breathe in some of that fresh, cool air. If you have pals coming round to trip with you, welcome them when they arrive. Take some time to write down all of your intentions for the New Year.

Dôkladne si premyslite, ako formulujete svoje zámery – a way to help you to manifest during your trip is to think as if you už have achieved your goals. Instead of saying ‘I will be more confident in the New Year’, say ‘I am a confident person.’ Magic mushrooms have the power to open your mind, relaxing the strict pathways that make us imagine we can only be ‘one type’ of person. Focusing on your goals while tripping can help to solidify them for the future.
Obradný hríbový čaj
Vhodným obradným spôsobom užívania húb je varenie čaju. It will warm you up on a chilly winter day, and it will feel extra-special when you sip from your magic cup. How high a dose you take is up to you — it depends on what you want from your trip, and how experienced you are. Check out our sprievodca dávkovaním magických húb a hľuzoviek aby vám pomohli pri rozhodovaní.
You will then embark upon your psychedelic New Year’s Day journey. Let it wash over you, see the sights and drink in any teaching moments, spiritual discoveries, perhaps even a bit o’ smrť ega. Try and harness the power that 2025 will bring you. Be optimistic, be strong, and manifest your intentions you made earlier. You’ve got this! Check out our Sprievodca výletmi aby ste sa uistili, že máte pokryté všetky základy!
Start As You Mean To Go On
When you start your comedown, it’s time for some serious cosiness. Fluffy blankets, your favourite movie, tasty, comforting food. It’s like Christmas all over again! Start the year as you mean to go on, by treating yourself.
Note down the emotions you felt and the things you experienced during your trip, to read throughout the rest of the year, whenever you feel a bit stuck. Or you can settle down for nap, dreaming of the next 364 days to come…

Which Will You Choose
What’s your jam? New Year’s Eve tripping? Or New Year’s Day? However you welcome 2025 is up to you!