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Psychedelic Icon: William Blake

When we ponder our favorite psychedelic icons and pioneers, something they all have in common is that they tend to have been knocking around no earlier than the 20th century.

Why You Should Combine Microdosing Psilocybin and Yoga

Yoga is one of the few things the world can agree on. Like vegetables, getting enough sleep, and watching videos of funny dogs, it’s just good for you. It is a practice that benefits our physical, mental, and spiritual health — and there’s few things that can tick all those boxes. However, would you believe that Western world has only been copped on to its benefits for just over one hundred years? And it’s been mainstream for much less.

Celebrating World Philosophy Day with Psychedelics

This year, World Philosophy Day celebrates its 20th birthday. Falling on every 3rd Thursday in November, it is a time to scratch our heads, stare into the middle distance, and sigh; ‘what is the meaning of life?’ Or something.

Celebrating the Lunar Eclipse in Psychedelic Style

The Moon is such a star. Not literally of course — before all our readers at NASA freak out — but, like, she is an icon. She glows, she changes, people are obsessed with what phase she’s in, and even the ocean is a slave to her.
