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Ordering FAQs

Once you’ve made a payment, it takes a few days before the payment is cleared and visible in our bank account. Once we see the payment and administer it, you will receive a payment confirmation email.

We ship our products in discrete plain envelopes/boxes, with no mention of any ‘magic’ contents. NO logo’s, NO Wholecelium business names, NO manuals, etc.

You can not feel from the outside what is in the package. It is hard material.

We tape it so that it’s not easy to open. But, not too much tape, so it won’t look as if someone really did his best to make sure no one can open it ;p
We never send any invoices with the packages. Invoices are only via email.

You can have the package shipped to any address you type in on your order, we directly copy-paste this. Please make sure to really check the address and make sure it is correct and complete.

This really depends on the country you order from.

Within Europe: between 2-5 working days ( from the moment it’s shipped)

Outside Europe: it is around 7 or more working days.

If you have a special date in mind, please order timely.

We ship to many countries worldwide, you can check out our Shipping page.

We ship out once we have received and administered your payment. First you receive a payment received email and then we ship out.

Magic Mushrooms Grow Kits FAQs

Yes, you need to fill the grow kit with water (20 º C), until the edge. Close the grow kit with the lid, and let it soak.

  • GO / X kit:  7 hours ⏰
  • MAX / OHM kit:  12 hours ⏰
  • MEGA kt:  12 – 24hours ⏰

Typically, our shroom kits take about 1-3 weeks from beginning to harvest.

It also depends variably on the climate. The warmer the temperatures, the faster the flush. In cooler temperatures, it can take longer. In the winter or in generally cold rooms, we recommend heating mats to jumpstart your grow kits

Unopened shroom grow kits can stay in the fridge for up to 2 months. For optimal harvest start them as quick as possile.

After setting up your grow kit, it normally takes 7-10 days until you see pinheads. When temperatures are too cold or dry, it can take about 10-14 days.  When growing the OHM kit it can take a bit longer for them to appear (up to 4 weeks)

It happens that a grow kit can take even up to 4 weeks, before mushrooms start growing.
This varies on type of kit, temperature and environment. The colder it is, the longer the growing process takes.

Fresh shrooms: 3 days in the fridge   

Dried shrooms: months, even years (potency will drop slowly). Stored in a dark and dry container. 

It can sometimes happen that the grow kit is too dense at the top.

When the mushrooms start to grow out of the sides, you can put the cake upright, as seen in the added picture.

It gives the cake enough space for the grow bag. In this way, more air holes are exposed, so it is important to spray extra water inside the bag once a day.

The black powder on top are the spores which the mushrooms release after having matured. This is very normal.  

It is best to harvest them before they start releasing the spores, because the spores can cover the grow kit so much that new pinheads cannot grow from it anymore.

If there is a thick layer, then it is best to soak the cake completely underwater and to very gently and carefully rub the spores off with your fingers. Careful because it is very delicate.

No. We only sell shroom grow kits. You can grow and harvest your own, which is very easy and sustainable.

Magic Mushrooms FAQs

Magic mushrooms, a.k.a shrooms, contain the hallucinogenic compounds called psilocybin. When consumed, this compounds lead you to hallucinate or have a “trip.”

The effects of shrooms vary by:

  • person
  • dosage
  • environment.      

They range from positive effects, neutral effects, and negative effects.  

The following are a general list of effects. They do not include & define all shroom experiences: 

Positive Effects 

  • Laughter 
  • Euphoria 
  • Spiritual insight  
  • Self-reflection
  • Feelings of wonder 
  • Better flow of ideas (on creative and philosophical ordeals)   

Neutral Effects 

  • Emotional sensitivity 
  • Changes in time perception 
  • Light sensitivity 
  • Visual hallucinations (open and closed-eye) 
  • Pupil Dilation 
  • Lethargy 

Negative Effects  

  • Intense fear
  • Nausea 
  • Anxiety 
  • Confusion  
  • Vertigo 

A magic mushroom trip typically lasts 4 hours, depending on how heavy your dosage is. It takes about 30 minutes-1 hour to take effect. Sometimes even 2 hours. 

Shrooms last in your system for about 24-72 hours.

As the great Terence McKenna once said “Only from astonishment.”

If you want to know more, can you overodse on magic mushrooms .

No, shrooms cannot give you brain damage.

Fundamentally, magic  mushrooms (psilocybin) is not a cure for symptoms, illnesses or mental disorders. Rather it may give insightfulness and objective perspective for why a person is depress, therefore offering clearness for the cloudy mind.

Here are some articles:

“Can magic mushrooms treat depression?” 

“Microdosing for depression?”

Heating Mat FAQ

The best temperature for magic mushroom grow kits is 18-23 ‎°C 

Mats are only used 2 Days MAX when the room temperature is below 18 °C. It will increase the grow speed, but will not result in more harvest.

  • Unbox and Set Up your MAX/GO/MEGA Kit with the bag upright
  • Set Up Your Heating Mat with a Ventilation system, like set of Pencils or a Towel.
  • Plug in Heating Mat
  • Put Your MAX/GO/MEGA Kit on the Heating Mat and leave it for 2 DAYS ONLY.
  • Remove from Heating Mat
  • Re-Adjust the Grow bag so that the opening is underneath the bottom of the grow kit. The small little micro holes point upwards.
  • Make Sure to Spray your Kit every other day until pinheads appear.

Magic Truffles FAQs

Magic Truffles or Sclerotium are psilocybin fungus grown underground and share the same active compound as magic mushrooms.

Classically known as “philosophers’ stones,” these hallucinogenics have been ranked as one of the safest drugs to consume, medically beneficial, and absolutely no potential for addiction.

These stones give you psychedelic experiences filled with visuals, relaxation, creative and pensive thoughts.

Side effects of magic truffles vary by user, dosage, environment, and fungi species.
The most common side effects create a trip and can include:


  • Intense visual effects
  • Creativity
  • Deep psychological insight
  • Positive feelings of wonder
  • Warped perception of time and space
  • Sharpened senses
  • Feeling like you’re in a dream state
  • Loss of ego


  • Relaxed muscles
  • Thirst
  • Naseau
  • Sensitive Stomach
  • Large pupils

Keep in mind that your environment and state of mind will affect your trip. Sometimes a trip can become so intense, that you experience a heightened sense of anxiety and panic.

Just remember that your psychedelic experience is only temporary (for several hours).

Magic mushrooms and magic truffles are virtually the same in trip effects and intensity.

They both come from the same organism, which is the mycelial organism and both contain psilocybin.

The distinct difference between them is that shrooms are the reproductive organ which releases spores. And magic truffles are the underground powerhouses which store energy for the mycelium.

You can read more The Differences between Magic Mushrooms and Magic Truffles. 

On an empty stomachchew the sclerotia very well. That way, all the active substances are absorbed by your body.

Another method is diluting your magic truffles in a nice cup of tea.

You can also mix it in with water/beer/wine for 1 hour and then consume your drink. Let that be your only glass of alcohol! Drunk trippers do stupid things!

Never combine mind-altering substances like MDMA, cocaine, ketamine together with magic truffles.

Just remember that it’s better if your trip was too mild than if it would be too strong! There is always a next time to try. On that note, safe and fun tripping!

For beginners, it is widely recommended to take about 10 grams of fresh magic truffles.

For regular dose, 15 grams is suitable.

For experienced users, 15-20 grams for a heavy trip.

For the real psychonauts, 35-45 grams as the highest level.

15 grams is the amount we provide for our ready to eat truffles. Some people have higher tolerances and need more.

Keep in mind, dosages also have to do with weight and body mass of each person as well as the strength of the species. With our stronger species like QUBIT or MAAKALI, you can split one portion of 15 grams with multiple people.

Unopened magic truffles: -/+ 2 months in the fridge at 4° Celsius.

After opening: -/+ 1-2 weeks in the fridge at 4° Celsius.

Warmer temperatures affect shelf life. In the summer, we recommend you order magic truffle kits (PANDORA’S BOX). These do not need to be stored in the fridge, and stay potent for several months.

Unopened magic truffles: in the fridge, at 4° Celsius. 

After opening: in the fridge at 4° Celsius. Remove them from the vacuum seal and place them on top of  toilet paper or unbleached paper towel. The paper will absorb moisture from the fridge, and prevent water damage. 

Building a long-term tolerance to shrooms is unlikely given the fungi’s powerful experiential effects. Instead, shroom tolerance is more of a question of how long it’s been since your last trip, according to psilocybin experts.

We recommend you wait at least 2 weeks before tripping again.

Magic Truffles Effects & Tolerance 

Magic Truffles strength varies by strain and tolerance. Our webshop offers mild truffles like MEXICANA for relaxing trips and for beginners. Our strongest truffles are QUBIT and MAAKALI (handle with care).

Yes you can mix different magic truffles.

Psilocybin truffles have the psychoactive compounds: psilocin and psilocybin. Mixing different strains together means you can explore different range of trips. Some become more visual, or more philosophical, or more colorful.

We do not recommend you mix your psilocybin truffles with other substances like MDMA,  cocaine, ketamine, etc.

Vacuum sealed magic truffles are air tight packages, used exactly like in the food industry. It makes it safe to transport, and most importantly prevents contamination of the truffles.

With vacuum seal, our magic truffles can also be preserved for +/- 2 months, because the air tight packaging means less oxygen, and more carbon dioxide. These gas levels block from normal air and are called modified atmosphere conditions.

Applying modified atmospheric conditions is a well established technique to pack vegetables and fruit, including mushrooms. Gas levels are created by natural means. Respiratory activity of the packed living products using oxygen and producing carbon dioxide, drives the changes in gas levels. The packaging limits gas exchange to a point where a stable condition is established. Tuning the packaging properties to that of the respiring product was done on the basis of extensive research. 

We highly advise against freezing your magic truffles, because it loses a lot of potency and consistency.

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