But what makes microdosing magic truffles more “trendy” than a full on dose?

Firstly it is in no way similar to the trip of a regular dose, the effects are so subtle a user wouldn’t have their mental or motor functions impaired. You remain sober but you will find that the day to day actions of your life may become much easier and more enjoyable, making you more productive and receptive.

That phone call you were too nervous or awkward to make? Microdosing could really help with that. 

In general these are the effects of microdosing magic truffles: 

  • An increase in creativity, alertness and focus
  • More energy and a cheerful happy feeling
  • A greater awareness of one’s surroundings
  • Being more open to social settings and forming connections

On the more medicinal side though, microdosing magic truffles has seen remarkably positive results in its early stages. Especially to alleviate the symptoms of people with anxiety, depression, ptsd and many forms of addiction.

This is stellar news as magic truffles offers a more natural alternative to traditional medications like, Prozac or Xanax. 

Microdosing Magic Truffles have a bright future

Microdosing magic truffles is unequivocally here to stay. It’s not a trend so much as a lowkey renaissance of a truth that’s been known for eons. As the science solidifies and the popularity becomes unignorable, microdosing could become a normal part of life. Especially for those that need or want it, free of judgement and stigma.  

So many could benefit from the practice that it wouldn’t feel strange to see a box of magic truffle powder in every house’s medicine cabinet. We all go through rough patches, so having access to such an effective fungi just seems like the wave.

For a substance that is altogether, as natural and wonderful as they come.