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Why You Should Trip on Leap Day

Every 4 years February receives an extra day. And, not only does it bulk up this slim month, it also means that you, too, get an extra 24 hours to play around with. Let’s explore how you can make this Leap Day as psychedelically special as possible…

Discovering The McKennaii Mushroom Strain

The McKennaii mushroom strain’s reputation precedes it. Being named after psychedelic legend Terence McKenna automatically designated it royalty status in the shroom-world from day one. But what is the story of this shroom? What is it like to trip on it? And can you grow it at home?

Can Magic Mushrooms Ease Your Achy Lower Back?

Do you wake up in the morning feeling creaky? Do you wince when you bend down to put on your shoes? Back pain can seem so mundane, and yet, it is a serious global problem. However, researchers are looking into a not-so-mundane solution: magic mushrooms. 

The Underrated Magic of a ‘Social Dose’ of Psilocybin

When you think of psychedelics what first comes to mind? Is it someone tripping hard — exploring their psychic cosmos, maybe peeping at the face of god? Or is it someone knocking back their microdose then heading to work where they focus, flow, fly, and just generally get-stuff-done? Sure, both of these scenarios are key psychedelic experiences, But can we introduce you to a secret third thing? Call it a low dose, call it a heavy microdose, call it the ‘sweet spot’, call it what you like — it may just change your life…

This Valentine’s Day Improve Your Sex Life With Psychedelics

Psychedelics will forever be intertwined with the ‘Summer of Love’. Long-haired hippies, dancing naked to Hendrix had the 1960s vibrating to the beat of sexual liberation. But was it *just* the great tunes and social change in the air? Perhaps not —  a new study suggests that psychedelics can actually improve the sexual experience. So read on, just in time for Valentine’s Day…

Zebrafish Dosed With Psilocybin Cope Better With Stress

Imagine being a fish. Must be pretty trippy, huh? Now imagine being a fish on magic mushrooms. Ok, now it sounds like WE’RE the ones who are tripping. But hear us out; in a recent study scientists actually gave some fish — some zebrafish to be exact — psilocybin. Here’s what they found…
