Fall is associated with change. The leaves turn from green to brown, the days get shorter, and we can start to envisage the end of another year — something that was inconceivable during the never-ending days of summer just gone. It is the time when mushrooms sprout from the ground, beckoning the forager into the fields and woods where they hide.

The psychedelic mushroom can also bring change; a spiritual change, a change in perspective or even the beginning of a new way of being. This is why mushrooms are so heavily associated with the mythos around this season, and why they slot in so well with the rituals, both old and new, associated with it.

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Connecting to the Ancient Rhythms

It’s true, fall provides this feeling of connection, an urge to dig deeper, into nature and ourselves. For thousands of years our ancestors followed the rhythms of the seasons, and took this time of year as a moment of pause — looking back, looking forward — vowing to keep the light alive in the coming months of darkness. Today, even in this fast-paced, screen-based world, we still feel that ancient rhythm, and we should still make space to honor it. And there are many ways to do this — some old, some new — in fact you can tailor it completely to what vibes with you! From Halloween, to Samhain, to Dia de los Muertos, to Neo-Pagan celebrations, there are many inspirations to take.

Psychedelic Rituals for Fall

To get you started we have prepared a pick ‘n’ mix of psychedelic rituals, for this, the spookiest of seasons. You can take what you want from them. But, most importantly remember to stay cozy, stay safe, and if a friendly ghost should appear — why not welcome them in?

Create an Altar

In rituals from around the world, including Pagan rites and ancient south American traditions such as Dia de los Muertos, the creation of altars are a large part of the celebrations. Acting as a focal point for the remembrance of ancestors, introspection, and the acknowledgement of love and loss, they are a tool for spiritual connection during these ceremonies. 

During Dia de los Muertos, the altars (or ofrendas) act as a welcome to loved ones making their journey back to the land of the living for a night. They usually consist of a photograph of said loved one, candles, candy, incense, and treats, or knick-knacks they loved in life. Families and friends sit around the altars reminiscing and telling stories about those departed, bringing them close once more. 

Some even say the origin of leaving out milk and cookies for Santa has roots in ancient traditions of creating altars with food offerings to the gods and spirits, in hopes of a peaceful winter and prosperous new year. Who knew?

Photo by Roger Ce on Unsplash

The celebrations of Samhain also involve the creation of altars. Samhain, sometimes known as ‘The Witch’s New Year’, is the ancient precursor to Halloween. Samhain is a word that comes from the ancient Irish samain, samuin or samfuin, where sam means “summer” and fuin, “end, sunset”; which can be more or less interpreted as “end of summer“. In recent years, interest in this pagan festival has grown, as people strive to reconnect to nature’s magic. In the altars of Samhain you can find seasonal foods and plants such as pumpkins, squash, potatoes, corn and apples. You can also find photographs of ancestors, symbols of death (like skulls or ghosts), and candles, which are used as point of concentration when connecting with loved ones or spirits through the altar. Around these altars, some people read tarot cards or rune stones, the heightened atmosphere increasing the power of these divination tools. 

How to Make it ‘Psychedelic’

During both Dia de los Muertos and Samhain, there is a belief that it is easier for the deceased to reach us, that the veil between the land of the living and the land of the dead is thinner. When we trip on magic mushrooms, the veil between our conscious and subconscious selves gets thinner too; we can connect to our true selves, and discover things hidden deep within. Creating an altar in the lead up to taking a psychedelic trip can help you to set your intentions, think about what you want to achieve, and work as a meditative moment beforehand. 

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

During your trip it can also act as an anchor point to keep you calm and remember your intentions. On this altar you can place objects that remind you of these intentions as well as elements from the Dia de los Muertos and Samhain altars too. In the time after your trip, having the altar there to look at during a quiet moment will help with your post-trip integration. 


Whether it is pumpkin pie, halloween cookies, sugar skulls, or a big ol’ corn cob, this time of year is all about eating. Here our ancestors would have indulged before the less bountiful months of winter, making the most of the harvest just gone. At a Samhain feast it is traditional to set a place at the table for the spirits of those departed, another act of remembrance. This is called a ‘Dumb Supper’ — but be sure to invite some living friends too so it doesn’t get too quiet! Another traditional seasonal feast is, of course, a bucket of Halloween candy. Connect with your inner child and hunker down with a pile of fun-sized chocolate bars and other tooth-terrifying  delights!

Photo by Diliara Garifullina on Unsplash

How to Make it ‘Psychedelic’

Hold a candle lit dinner party with friends, where as well as some of the produce mentioned above, magic mushrooms are the star ingredient. Whether you sprinkle dried psychedelic mushrooms over a pizza, or try one of our many magic mushroom recipes make sure your guests are all aware that you are about to embark on something trippy together. The groovy vibes of eating together, and bonding over psilocybin’s warm fuzzies will make it a night for the ages. Alternatively, you can hit the shrooms for dessert, by following our Halloween appropriate magic truffle chocolate recipe!

Photo by sheri silver on Unsplash

Visit ‘The Other World’

In Druidic, Celtic and Gaelic traditions there are a wealth of tales about fairies, elves, the banshee and many more curious creatures, as well the magical worlds from whence they come. There is also a history of the ancient Druids using psychedelic mushrooms, such as the  Liberty Cap and the Fly Agaric as part of ceremonies and rituals. These fungi, flourishing in the autumn, acted as conduits, facilitating a deep connection with nature and the depths of the collective subconscious. These sacred mushrooms allowed individuals to delve into the intricacies of their own minds, unravelling collective fears and dreams and giving glimpses of the interconnectedness of all life. Some scholars propose that the enchanting realms of magical beings, such as Tír na nÓg, were not illusory but accessible through the transformative experiences induced by these mushrooms. From these profound encounters, legends, fables, and folklore emerged, shaping the narratives that resonated across generations.

Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash

How to Make it ‘Psychedelic’

Ok, it’s already pretty psychedelic. So, in honor of these early psychonauts, why not inaugurate the fall with a deep, immersive magic mushroom trip. You’ll be more likely to welcome fairy visitors with a high or even ‘heroic dose’, but you can also have a totally immersive experience on a low to medium dose if you get the vibes right. The ancient Druids used to sit in ‘sweat lodges’ (kinda like a sauna) to intensify the psychedelic experience — this isn’t necessary (and is probably not safe!) All you need is a dark room (or dim with some mood lighting — fairy lights, lava lamps), a comfortable place to curl up, and an open mind. Even at a low dose this concentrated introspection can bring insight, and also just be super dreamy. Who doesn’t want to visit fairyland?

Photo by Martin Lostak on Unsplash

Embrace Nature

In the past, most societies were far more connected to nature than we are now. Living by the seasons, and spending more time in nature, it was easier to feel connected to the earth. Many fall celebrations are related to this very thing. Taking walks in the fallen leaves or surveying the misty landscape from the top of a hill. Collecting acorns, conkers, and pinecones as you walk; this can be therapeutic and act as fall decorations too!

Photo by Can Aslan on Unsplash

How to Make it ‘Psychedelic’

Take a microdose, or a low to medium dose, and go for a bracing autumn walk. Those leaves will seem extra crunchy, the hues that extra vivid. Ripples in the river will vibrate, and the ducks will seem extra goofy. The hot chocolate will be that much richer, and your feet will take you on exciting new routes, as if the path was illuminated before you. Remember to wrap up warm! It will truly be a walk to remember. 

Photo by Can Aslan on Unsplash

So, although the weather is getting chillier, these rituals will help you keep the light glowing all the way through fall and winter beyond. Keep it cozy, keep it spooky, and keep it psychedelic!