Is starting the day without a cup of coffee unthinkable for you? A cup o’ joe, the ‘black stuff’, java, mud; for many of us, that caffeine kick is the only thing that gets us out the door in the morning. Beloved as it may be — in many countries second only to water as the most popular beverage — one thing about coffee culture is that it is always growing and changing. 

From the introduction of bells-and-whistles lattes, to a globally diverse selection of roasts, to ordinary folks having professional-quality coffee makers in their own homes — this humble beverage has become a lifestyle in itself. 

Photo by heewei lee on Unsplash

Coffee Culture Gets Psychedelic

So is it any surprise, as the world continues to reverberate to the psychedelic boom, that people are starting to experiment with adding magic mushrooms to their coffee? And unlike that triple-pump of gingerbread syrup, this add-on promises significant benefits. 

So how does it work?

Coffee can be a divisive drink. While some feel as though they can’t function without it, others find it gives them the jitters, triggers their anxiety, and for those especially sensitive to caffeine it can cause heart palpitations. 

But if you’re a coffee lover, enjoying a quality brew (or two) a day can actually be good for you. From antioxidant properties, to links with longevity and lower instances of some illness, moderate coffee drinking has many benefits. Caffeine and other compounds within coffee have been associated with positive effects on depression, anxiety, and slowing age-related cognitive decline. 

Coffee is often used as a way to boost productivity and focus in the workplace or while studying. The caffeine within coffee has a stimulating effect, making us feel more awake and alert, so we can power through to meet our deadlines.

Psilocybin, the psychoactive agent in magic mushrooms and truffles, also has well documented medicinal properties. From reducing symptoms of depressione, ansia e PTSD, a dolore cronico, the psychedelic extract has many appealing benefits. When microdosato, psilocybin is enjoyed for its ability to help you stay focused, encourage out-of-the box thinking, and even help you to enter the ‘flow-state'. 

How Microdosing Psilocybin Compliments Coffee

As you might have noticed, these properties greatly compliment the work-positive boost associated with coffee. So, understandably, many people are starting to experiment with the benefits of combining a magic mushroom microdose with coffee. 

It is important to note that only ONE of your cups of coffee a day should include a microdose if you are aiming to get stuff done. More than that, well, your focus might begin to wander. Which will be fun, sure! But maybe not what you planned for your day…

Also, as a general rule of thumb, it’s good to remember that recommended guidelines state that around 4 cups of coffee is the maximum we should be enjoying a day. If you are going to make a magic mushroom coffee, we would suggest refraining from having too much normal coffee before or after, just so you can keep an eye on your equilibrium. 

So how do you make a sweet, sweet cup of shroom coffee? Well, appropriately enough, there are actually a few different options for you to choose from. 

Note: for these recipes you will need dried magic mushrooms or truffles, ground into powder and pre-measured into microdose portions (about 0.2g of powder). 

The Top 5 Ways to Make Magic Mushroom Coffee

1. Add Magic Mushrooms to You Coffee Grounds

Add your powdered magic mushrooms to your scoops of coffee grounds before you brew your coffee. This is the simplest method; the only thing you need to ensure is that your dosage is correct, and that you use slightly cooler water than usual, so as not to damage the psychoactive effects of psilocybin. Around 80ºC will do. Additionally, using a french press (or cafetière) will provide the best extraction for your mushrooms — the longer it steeps, the stronger your cup. 

2. Add Magic Mushroom Powder to Your Already-Brewed Coffee

After you have brewed and poured your coffee, you can mix in magic mushroom powder just as you would sugar. This is actually the most reliable method with which to consume a full dose, as you are not relying on extraction. The only flaw here is that you may encounter a few lumps and bits if you did not grind your mushrooms down fine enough. 

A french press (Photo by Izzy Rivi on Unsplash)

3. Magic Mushroom Sprinkle

If you want to create a psychedelic Starb**cks dupe, you can make an extra fine shroom powder and dust it atop a frothy latte or cappuccino. Simply make your drink as usual and then invoke your inner barista by sprinkling away!

4. Sweeten Your Coffee with Blue Honey

As you may know, ‘blue’ or magic mushroom honey, is a popular way of both consuming and preserving magic mushrooms and/or truffles. Simply swirl a spoonful of the sweet-stuff into your brew, and you’re good to go!

(For how to make it, check out our handy Blue Honey guide!)

5. Bulletproof Shroom Coffee

If you have your ear to the rhythm of wellness trends you have probably heard of ‘Bulletproof’ coffee. It is coffee enriched with fat, such as grass-fed butter or ghee. Proponents say that bulletproof coffee provides an energy hit without glycemic peaks, increases focus, and helps with weight management as drinkers feel satisfied for longer. It is also a great way to mask the taste of magic mushrooms, if you are not so keen on the earthy flavor. 

  • Brew your coffee as normal
  • Put your coffee in a blender with the butter/ghee and a measured dose of shroom powder.
  • Blend until frothy
  • Drink!

Revolutionize Your Coffee Routine

Finally, it’s good to be aware that working out your dosage sweetspot may take a bit of experimentation. The first time you try out your shroom coffee should be on a day where you don’t have any important plans, so you can ease yourself in, and get used to the feeling. 

Ma, whisper it, this may totally revolutionize your morning routine…